How Low Can They Go? Restatements Hit Another New Low in 2019
Audit Analytics (AA) has released its annual report on public company restatements, 2019 Financial Restatements: An Nineteen Year...
More Public Companies Are Disclosing the Board’s Cybersecurity Risk Oversight Role
The EY Center for Board Matters (EY Center) has released its third annual analysis of cybersecurity-related disclosures by Fortune 100...
How Audit Committees Can Get More Value from Internal Audit
The audit committee typically has oversight responsibility for the internal audit function and, conversely, relies on internal audit to...
Voluntary Audit Committee Disclosures Continue to Increase – But Only Slightly
The EY Center for Board Matters (EY Center) has released its ninth annual review of Fortune 100 audit committee-related proxy...
Audit Committee Chairs Discuss the Impact of Covid-19 with the PCAOB
The PCAOB has published Conversations with Audit Committee Chairs: COVID-19 and the Audit (Conversations). As part of its 2020 audit firm...
IIA and IFAC Issue an Audit Committee Call to Action on COVID-19
On July 8, the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) and the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) issued Six Recommendations for...
G&A Finds That Ninety Percent of the S&P 500 Publish a Sustainability Report
On July 16, the Governance & Accountability Institute (G&A) released Trends on the sustainability reporting practices of S&P 500 Index...
Want to Improve the Reliability of Your ESG Reporting? The CAQ Suggests Asking Your Auditor for Help
As noted in the G&A report discussed above, a significant number of large-cap companies obtain some level of third-party assurance for...
Protiviti’s Annual Survey Finds Rising SOX Compliance Costs
Consulting firm Protiviti has released the 2020 edition of its annual survey of Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) compliance costs, SOX Compliance...
COVID-19 Disclosure and Financial Reporting Guidance: Part III
Guidance and advice concerning the impact of COVID-19 on financial reporting continues to proliferate. While the details may not be of...
Thinking of Replacing Your Auditor’s Tax Services? Get Ready for a Higher Tax Bill
One of the concerns that lead to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) was that the auditor’s provision of non-audit services to audit clients...